Singaporean Changemakers Call to Action

October 2010 

If you’re in Singapore and you are a young changemaker* then consider this your call to action!

*Yes, you are or can be. Don’t doubt so much lah!

This guide is focused on youth, but applicable to individuals of any age. It is also directed at individuals concerned with creating actual social impact—not for doing “feel good” work.

So…what have you done recently to create change in the world? Googled an issue you care about? Sent an email to a key contact? Sketched out a proposal? Created a new enterprise?


Those of us in the field know it’s hard. We’re on the same path as you and we’ve experienced the same problems. We’re all busy. We’re all distracted. We’re all unsure of ourselves at times. But why let any of that stand in our way? Let’s take action. It can be big or small. Just do something.

Here’s a list of suggestions to get you on your way.

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Get Engaged In Social Entrepreneurship Competitions

Do Something Else


  • Just start with something—what it is doesn’t matter all that much
  • After you jump in, then the what, how, why, where, when, and who really starts to matter—strategic, disciplined action becomes more and more important the further you get in
  • You will fail (a lot) and that’s okay
  • Primarily aim for a series of small wins (although throw in a huge, audacious goal every once in a while, too)
  • Be very careful with whom you share your ideas with—some people are poison
  • Please do a competitive analysis before you establish anything new—chances are someone has already done it or is in the process so don’t duplicate their work (unless of course you have a clear differentiator that makes your initiative significantly better than theirs)
  • Also if you are creating events, try to avoid crowding the same dates as existing events (you can coordinate through
  • Have fun!